The Listening and Learning Together: C&K Curriculum Approach is implemented in our centre. The learning outcomes in our curriculum approach align with both The Early Years Framework for Australia (EYLF), and the Queensland Learning Guideline in (QKLG).
Our teachers/educators skilfully partner with all children and families to create caring and vibrant learning communities. For children from birth to three, our program for infants and toddlers focuses on slowing down and being with your child as they are encouraged to explore the world.
In the year before school, university-qualified early childhood teachers will guide and support your child to be a curious, capable and collaborative learner. At our centre, we see children from birth as thinkers and theorisers, rich in ideas and knowledge, as powerful learners and active citizens. Speak to your child’s teacher/educator about how our approach is embedded at your centre.
example, if your child is playing in the sandpit, their teacher/educator will encourage them to draw maps in the sand and label them, or measure the water levels in the dam they have built. In this example, the teacher/educator is purposely supporting your child’s interest to explore opportunities for literacy and numeracy development. You might also see teachers/educators supporting your child and others to set up a shop where the children can transfer their real-life knowledge to their play and extend on their learning. This may include developing labels and signs, making money/credit cards, researching what is required for a shop, negotiating roles played by friends and solving problems.
Our teachers/educators will encourage your child to explore and investigate a range of materials and express their thinking and emerging understandings in a variety of ways. Teachers/educators will support their curiosity and creativity and encourage them to investigate and solve problems. We will help them to capture their learning and share their thinking.
We know how important it is to understand what your child is learning and the experiences they are engaging in. Teachers/Educators will reflect on and interpret children’s learning experiences adding their professional knowledge for your child and the whole group.
Children’s learning, growth, their interest and achievements across a year, will be gathered and shared within the centre through print and electronic formats, such as Storypark, project books, our collaborative journals, displays and informal and formal discussions.
You will see a range of different displays and records of your child’s learning throughout your centre.
We encourage you to take some time to look at the program and add your comments. Contributing to this connects the child’s life at the centre to your life at home.
We are now accepting enrolments for 2025.